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Illustration of PACS framework.

PACS (Probabilistic model for Accessible Chromatin data in Single Cell)

PACS is a toolkit for snATAC-seq data analysis.

The key functionalities of PACS include:

  1. Depth correction for snATAC-seq data.
  2. Statistical test for complex data design
  3. Supervised cell type annotation (with a reference dataset)
  4. Batch effect correction enabled by statistical test framework


You can install the current version of PACS from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("Zhen-Miao/PICsnATAC") ## dependent package 

This installation step should take < 5 min on a standard desktop machine. R version > 4.0.0 is recommended (older R version has not been tested).


This is a basic example which shows you how to run PACS common workflow:


p_vals <- pacs_test_sparse( =,
  formula_full = ~ factor(cell_type) + factor(batch),
  formula_null = ~ factor(batch),
  pic_matrix = data_mat,
  cap_rates = capturing_probability

Vignette and Interactive Notebooks

An interactive tutorial website with vignettes can be found at

Although not recommended, you can also run the analysis using Goolge Colab, with one example shown below:

Notebook 1: Type 1 error and power evaluation in real data .


Miao, Z., Wang, J., Park, K. Kuang, D. and Kim, J. Model-based compound hypothesis testing for snATAC-seq data with PACS. bioRxiv (2023).

snATAC-seq toolkits

PACS is one of the snATAC-seq toolkits developed by the Kim lab. Other toolkits include:

Miao, Z and Kim, J. Uniform quantification of single-nucleus ATAC-seq data with Paired- Insertion Counting (PIC) and a model-based insertion rate estimator. Nature Methods 2024


For any questions regarding the package, please contact Zhen Miao () or Junhyong Kim ().