I am a computational biologist with primary focus on developing methods for single cell multi-omics analysis.

General Information

Full Name Zhen Miao
Email zhenmiao_at_pennmedicine_dot_upenn_dot_edu


  • 2019-Now
    PhD in Genomics and Computational Biology
    Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
    • Advisor: Prof. Junhyong Kim
    • Thesis
      • Statistical modeling of single cell multiomics data
  • 2019-Now
    Dual MA in Statistics and Data Science
    Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
    • Advisor: Prof. Nancy Zhang
    • Thesis
      • Detecting spatial niches in spatial transcriptomics data
  • 2015-2019
    BS in Biology
    Nankai University, Tianjin, China
    • Minor in Mathematics

Academic Interests

  • Single cell multiomics
    • Develop statistical tools for analyzing single cell multiomics data
    • Uncover regulatory logit with single cell multiomics profiling data
    • Use single cell data to understand human complex traits
  • Kidney development and diseases
    • Understand kidney developmental dynamics using novel technologies
    • Understand repairing mechanisms after acute kidney injury

Honors and Awards

  • 2022
    Blavatnik Family Fellowship in Biomedical Research
    • One of the six awardees across Penn Medicine Ph.D. candidates
  • 2019
    Charles J. Epstein Trainee Awards (ASHG, semi-finalist)
    • Awarded to ~top 10% platform presenters in the ASHG annual meeting
  • 2019
    ACGA Trainee Awards (predoctoral)
    • Awarded to the top 3 predoctoral students’ platform presentations
  • 2019
    Outstanding Graduate
    • Awarded to selected students for academic excellence
  • 2019
    National Scholarship
    • Awarded to the top 1 student based on academic performance
  • 2018
    Poling Scholarship
    • Awarded to the top 10 student based on academic performance
  • 2017
    National Scholarship
    • Awarded to the top 1 student based on academic performance
  • 2017
    The first prize, The 5th Life Sciences Students’ Experimental Skills Competition in Tianjin

Platform Presentations

  • 2023
    • ReBuilding A Kidney (RBK) semi-annual meeting
    • NIH Junior Atlas Builder meeting (lightning talk)
  • 2021
    • Penn Institute for Regenerative Medicine (IRM) Stem Cell Club
    • ReBuilding A Kidney (RBK) semi-annual meeting
  • 2020
    • The American Society of Nephrology annual meeting (ASN kidney week), poster talk
  • 2019
    • The 69th American Society of Human Genomics (ASHG) annual meeting (with Charles J. Epstein Trainee Award, semi-finalist)
    • MidAtlantic Bioinformatics Conference (lightning talk)

Open Source Projects

  • 2022
    • A tool to accurately quantify snATAC-seq data.
  • 2023
    • A tool for differential accessibility region test in snATAC-seq data.