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This Vignette contains an example to conduct cell type annotation with PACS. To conduct cell type annotation, we need to have a reference dataset with cell type annotated, and a new dataset where we want to infer the cell type labels for each cell.

Required libraries

Please make sure the following libraries are installed and loaded for the analysis.

Input files

The PACS cell type annotation framework requires the following input files:

  • Reference peak by cell matrix (ref_mat)
  • Cell type labels for the reference data (cell_types)
  • Target peak by cell matrix that we want to obtain cell type labels (tar_mat)

Note, the two data matrices should have the same set of features (peaks), and please refer to our PIC_snATAC package for obtaining data matrix. Clustering and annotation can be conducted with Seurat, ArchR, snapATAC, or other pipelines.

Cell-specific capturing rate estimation

As described in the manuscript, in the snATAC-seq data, each cell may have largely variant capturing rate (sequencing depth), and here, we will compute the caputuring rate in each cell while separating the effect of cell type-specific open probability

ctypes <- unique(cell_types)
r_by_ct_out <- get_r_by_ct_mat_pq(
  cell_type_set = ctypes,
  r_by_c = ref_mat,
  cell_type_labels = cell_types,
  n_features_per_cell = dim(ref_mat)[1]

The object r_by_ct_out is a list with two elements,

  • p_by_t Peak by cell type matrix, each element represents the open probability of the peak in the corresponding cell type
  • q_vec A vector of cell-specific capturing rate

The first element will be the input for annotating cell type labels of new dataset

Identify informative features

We only choose a subset of features that are informative for distinguish different cell types. A rule of thumb is to choose features based on their standard deviation across cell types.

p_sd <- sqrt(Rfast::rowVars(r_by_ct_out$p_by_t))
pk_sel <- p_sd > quantile(p_sd, 0.5) ## top 50% highly variable features

Cell type annotation

## get the likelihood for each cell type
est_mat <- estimate_label_no_cap_rate(
  r_by_t = r_by_ct_out$p_by_t[pk_sel, ],
  in_r_by_c = tar_mat[pk_sel, ]

## identify the most probable cell type
esti_ctype_fir <- Rfast::rownth(est_mat, rep(1, length = dim(est_mat)[1]),
  num.of.nths = 1, descending = TRUE,
  index.return = TRUE, parallel = FALSE
esti_ctype_labels <- ctypes[esti_ctype_fir]


If you used PACS in your analysis, please cite our manuscript:

Miao, Z., Wang, J., Park, K., Kuang, D., & Kim, J. (2023). Model-based compound hypothesis testing for snATAC-seq data with PACS. bioRxiv, 2023-07.