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This Vignette contains an example to conduct Differentially Accessible Region (DAR) Identification with PACS.

Required libraries

Please make sure the following libraries are installed and loaded for the analysis.

Input files

The PACS cell type annotation framework requires the following input files:

  • A peak by cell matrix for the dataset (data_mat)
  • Metadata (meta_data) that could include cell type label, batch lable, etc.

Note, we allow for quantitative (0,1,2,3,…) or binary (0/1) data input. But please note, the quantitative data matrix should be based on fragment count of paired-insertion count. If you wonder why, please refer to our PIC_snATAC package and manuscript. Clustering and annotation can be conducted with Seurat, ArchR, snapATAC, or other pipelines.

Cell-specific capturing rate estimation

As described in the manuscript, in the snATAC-seq data, each cell may have largely variant capturing rate (sequencing depth), and here, we will compute the caputuring rate in each cell while separating the effect of cell type-specific open probability

ctypes <- unique(cell_types)
r_by_ct_out <- get_r_by_ct_mat_pq(
  cell_type_set = ctypes,
  r_by_c = ref_mat,
  cell_type_labels = cell_types,
  n_features_per_cell = dim(ref_mat)[1]

The object r_by_ct_out is a list with two elements,

  • p_by_t Peak by cell type matrix, each element represents the open probability of the peak in the corresponding cell type
  • q_vec A vector of cell-specific capturing rate

The second element will be the input for DAR analysis

DAR test

We need to include formula for the Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT). Assume in the metadata, we have two columns, cell_type and batch, then the formula for full model and null model can be specified as the below example:

p_vals <- pacs_test_sparse( =,
  formula_full = ~ factor(cell_type) + factor(batch),
  formula_null = ~ factor(batch),
  pic_matrix = data_mat,
  cap_rates = r_by_ct_out$q_vec

Note, there are some additional optional parameters we can set for the function:

  • n_peaks_per_round The number of peaks to be tested in each round. Can be left unspecified, where PACS can detect the number automatically so that it does not break R. For large dataset, we can set this value to be smaller.
  • T_proportion_cutoff Defualt = 0.2, or 20%. The minimum proportion of high density counts (Z>=2) so that we consider the cumulative models. If there is not enough high density counts, we will implement the binary model which will be faster to compute.


If you used PACS in your analysis, please cite our manuscript:

Miao, Z., Wang, J., Park, K., Kuang, D., & Kim, J. (2023). Model-based compound hypothesis testing for snATAC-seq data with PACS. bioRxiv, 2023-07.