Vignette 4 -- PIC counting with dsc-ATAC-seq data
This Vignette contains an example to use PIC counting with dsc-ATAC-seq data. Specifically, this data type has more fragments per cell, making it more quantitative. However, due to bead overloading, we recommend setting deduplicate step during PIC counting step. Please see details below.
required libraries
Please make sure the following libraries are installed and loaded for the analysis.
Input files
Below are the step-by-step instructions for obtaining these input. Example datasets can be downloaded from GEO: GSE123576 here. Here in particular, we used the Mouse brain sample (Mouse #2, Channel #1).
Please make sure to download the following files for PIC counting:
- cell barcodes with metadata
) - list of peak regions
) - fragment files
) - fragment file index
Cell Barcodes
If we want to keep the cells from the publications:
cm <- read.table("GSE123576_mousebrain_cellData_revision.tsv",
sep = "\t", header = TRUE
samples <- sub("_B.*", "", cm$DropBarcode)
cm$sample <- samples
## choose sample
cmtsample <- cm[cm$sample == "N701_Exp119_sample1_S1", ]
cells <- cmtsample$DropBarcode
Peak set
If we want to keep the set of peaks from the publication:
feature_df <- read.csv("GSE123576_mousebrain_peaks_revision.bed",
sep = "\t", header = FALSE
colnames(feature_df) <- c("seqname", "start", "end")
peak_sets <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(feature_df)
Run PIC and save output
Please note, for dsc-ATAC-seq data, because the beads are overloaded, we recommend to set deduplicate = TRUE so that we do not double count fragments. Although, based on our analysis, the fragment.tsv.gz file provided in GEO has already been de-duplicated, we still recommend doing so for all dsc-ATAC-seq data.
fragment_tsv_gz_file_location <- "GSM3507349_Mouse2-Channel1.fragments.tsv.gz"
pic_mat <- PIC_counting(
cells = cells,
fragment_tsv_gz_file_location = fragment_tsv_gz_file_location,
peak_sets = peak_sets,
deduplicate = TRUE
saveRDS(pic_mat, "PIC_mat_1.rds")
## if you have multiple matrices, don't forget to save under different names
Note if you have multiple matrices, please make sure you save them under different file names
If you used PIC-snATAC counting in your analysis, please cite our manuscript:
Miao Z and Kim J. Uniform quantification of single-nucleus ATAC-seq data with Paired- Insertion Counting (PIC) and a model-based insertion rate estimator. Nature Methods 2023 (In press)
The dsc-ATAC-seq dataset is associated with the following publication:
Lareau CA, Duarte FM, Chew JG, Kartha VK et al. Droplet-based combinatorial indexing for massive-scale single-cell chromatin accessibility. Nat Biotechnol. 2019 Aug;37(8):916-924.