Zhen Miao


301 Lynch Laboratory

433 S University Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA

I am a Ph.D. candidate and the University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine. I am in the Genomics and Computational Biology (GCB) Graduate Program and Department of Biology. My advisor is Prof. Junhyong Kim at the Department of Biology.

I am interested in understanding gene regulation using single cell multi-omics data, and decoding kidney development with multi-omics assays. For the past four years, I have been working on a specific -omics data, the snATAC-seq data. I have developed a tool to quantify snATAC-seq data uniformly for different technologies and estimate insertion rate (see PIC publication). In addition, I have developed a tool to conduct differential accessible region test in snATAC-seq data (see PACS publication). Collaborating with Prof. Katalin Susztak, I have also characterized the first kidney single cell open chromatin atlas for the developing and adult mouse (see dev_kidney_atlas publication).


Nov 7, 2023 I will be giving a talk at Cold Spring Harbor Lab (CSHL) Single Cell Analysis Meeting at Nov 8-11!
Title: Model-based compound hypothesis testing for snATAC-seq data with PACS
Apr 1, 2023 I started my master’s thesis project with Prof. Nancy Zhang at the Wharton School Department of Statistics.
Jul 15, 2022 I am honored to be one of six recipients of the 2022Blavatnik Family Fellowship in Biomedical Research!
Oct 7, 2019 I am honored to get the ASHG Charles J. Epstein Trainee Award (semi-finalist)!

selected publications


  1. F1.large.jpg
    Is single nucleus ATAC-seq accessibility a qualitative or quantitative measurement?
    Zhen Miao, and Junhyong Kim
    Nature Methods (In press), 2023
  2. PACS_illustration.svg
    Model-based compound hypothesis testing for snATAC-seq data with PACS
    Zhen Miao, Jianqiao Wang, Kernyu Park, Da Kuang, and Junhyong Kim
    bioRxiv, 2023


  1. dev_kidney_graph.jpg
    Single cell regulatory landscape of the mouse kidney highlights cellular differentiation programs and disease targets
    Zhen Miao, Michael S Balzer, Ziyuan Ma, Hongbo Liu, Junnan Wu, and 9 more authors
    Nature communications, 2021
  2. 41581_2021_463_Fig1_HTML.webp
    Multi-omics integration in the age of million single-cell data
    Zhen Miao, Benjamin D Humphreys, Andrew P McMahon, and Junhyong Kim
    Nature Reviews Nephrology, 2021