
Selected publications. For full list, please go to google scholar


  1. F1.large.jpg
    Is single nucleus ATAC-seq accessibility a qualitative or quantitative measurement?
    Zhen Miao, and Junhyong Kim
    Nature Methods (In press), 2023
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    Model-based compound hypothesis testing for snATAC-seq data with PACS
    Zhen Miao, Jianqiao Wang, Kernyu Park, Da Kuang, and Junhyong Kim
    bioRxiv, 2023
  3. Direct androgen receptor control of sexually dimorphic gene expression in the mammalian kidney
    Lingyun Xiong, Jing Liu, Seung Yub Han, Kari Koppitch, Jin-Jin Guo, and 8 more authors
    Developmental Cell, 2023


  1. Transient expansion and myofibroblast conversion of adipogenic lineage precursors mediate bone marrow repair after radiation
    Leilei Zhong, Lutian Yao, Nicholas Holdreith, Wei Yu, Tao Gui, and 7 more authors
    JCI insight, 2022
  2. Epigenomic and transcriptomic analyses define core cell types, genes and targetable mechanisms for kidney disease
    Hongbo Liu, Tomohito Doke, Dong Guo, Xin Sheng, Ziyuan Ma, and 7 more authors
    Nature Genetics, 2022
  3. ATF3 and CH25H regulate effector trogocytosis and anti-tumor activities of endogenous and immunotherapeutic cytotoxic T lymphocytes
    Zhen Lu, Noreen McBrearty, Jinyun Chen, Vivek S Tomar, Hongru Zhang, and 7 more authors
    Cell Metabolism, 2022


  1. Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of mIHC images via antigen mapping
    Kiya W Govek, Emma C Troisi, Zhen Miao, Rachael G Aubin, Steven Woodhouse, and 1 more author
    Science Advances, 2021
  2. Mapping the genetic architecture of human traits to cell types in the kidney identifies mechanisms of disease and potential treatments
    Xin Sheng, Yuting Guan, Ziyuan Ma, Junnan Wu, Hongbo Liu, and 7 more authors
    Nature genetics, 2021
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    Single cell regulatory landscape of the mouse kidney highlights cellular differentiation programs and disease targets
    Zhen Miao, Michael S Balzer, Ziyuan Ma, Hongbo Liu, Junnan Wu, and 9 more authors
    Nature communications, 2021
  4. A Mendelian randomization study of the role of lipoprotein subfractions in coronary artery disease
    Qingyuan Zhao, Jingshu Wang, Zhen Miao, Nancy R Zhang, Sean Hennessy, and 2 more authors
    Elife, 2021
  5. Transcriptome-wide association analysis identifies DACH1 as a kidney disease risk gene that contributes to fibrosis
    Tomohito Doke, Shizheng Huang, Chengxiang Qiu, Hongbo Liu, Yuting Guan, and 7 more authors
    The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2021
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    Multi-omics integration in the age of million single-cell data
    Zhen Miao, Benjamin D Humphreys, Andrew P McMahon, and Junhyong Kim
    Nature Reviews Nephrology, 2021
  7. A single genetic locus controls both expression of DPEP1/CHMP1A and kidney disease development via ferroptosis
    Yuting Guan, Xiujie Liang, Ziyuan Ma, Hailong Hu, Hongbo Liu, and 5 more authors
    Nature communications, 2021


  1. Single cell transcriptomics identifies a unique adipose lineage cell population that regulates bone marrow environment
    Leilei Zhong, Lutian Yao, Robert J Tower, Yulong Wei, Zhen Miao, and 17 more authors
    Elife, 2020
  2. APOE and TREM2 regulate amyloid-responsive microglia in Alzheimer’s disease
    Aivi T Nguyen, Kui Wang, Gang Hu, Xuran Wang, Zhen Miao, and 7 more authors
    Acta neuropathologica, 2020


  1. A single point mutation in hmgA leads to melanin accumulation in Bacillus thuringiensis BMB181
    Tong-tong Tan, Xu-dong Zhang, Zhen Miao, Ying Yu, Si-ling Du, and 2 more authors
    Enzyme and microbial technology, 2019
  2. Prediction of ion channels and their types from protein sequences: comprehensive review and comparative assessment
    Jianzhao Gao, Zhen Miao, Zhaopeng Zhang, Hong Wei, and Lukasz Kurgan
    Current Drug Targets, 2019